HOA Classes
Water Color Painting Classes
Painting with Paula
WEDNESDAYS from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Supplies can be provided for beginners!
$25.00 per class
Contact Paula to sign u at 561-455-6049
Hand Built Pottery Class
MONDAYS from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM in the Studio.
$20.00 per class payable directly to the teacher.
Contact the teacher to sign up and get notified when classes are cancelled.
Teacher: Deborah Kaplan 561-495-8032.
Click here for flyer.
3-D Art Collage Media Class
THURSDAYS from 1:00 PM -3:00 PM in the Studio.  
$20.00 per class payable directly to the teacher.
The price for the kit which includes all the tools needed is $75.00 which is a one time fee and must be paid in advance. Each picture kit is $35.00 which consists of a mounted picture and several prints to complete the picture.  
First day of class students will pay $15.00 for class and $35.00 for their picture.
Contact the teacher to sign up and get notifies when classes get cancelled.
Teacher: Susan Seidman 561-249-3656.
Click here for flyer.
Ceramic Class
Paint on Ceramics
SATURDAYS from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM in the Studio.
$40.00 for 8 classes payable directly to the teacher.
Contact the teacher to sign up and get notified when classes are cancelled.
Teacher: Linda Milcareck 561-704-9018.
Click here for flyer.
Writer's Cafe
This class is currently on hold.
Free - No reservation necessary.
Supplies: Whatever you prefer to use to record your creative or nostalgic memories and/or opinions.
About the Valencia Isles Writer's Cafe
This welcoming group of Valencia Isles Women has been meeting for almost 7 years. Call Sheila Sherman, 561-369-4009, or Eda Lang, 561-200-4156, the volunteer facilitators, for more information. Prompts such as “Wedding Dress” to “Downsizing” elicit many unique memories. Sharing is voluntary in this confidential atmosphere. 

What’s written and spoken about in Writers’ Café stays in Writers’ Café!